
Akashic Records Course

Best Akashic Records Course Online

Embark on a profound exploration of the Akashic Records with our comprehensive certificate course. Whether you’re a beginner or seeking to deepen your connection, our Akashic Records course empowers you with the knowledge and skills to access the timeless wisdom stored in the Akashic field.


Course Highlights

Understanding Akashic Records

Explore the fundamental concepts and significance of the Akashic Records.

Accessing the Records

Learn techniques to access and interpret information from the Akashic field.

Practical Applications

Apply Akashic Records insights for personal growth, healing, and spiritual development.

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Why Choose Us ?

Elevate your skills with top-notch courses, experienced instructors, and a dynamic learning environment. Join us on your path to success.
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Inception and Leadership

Founded on January 24, 2020, by the visionary Mrs. Meenakshi Urjaa, Urjaa Chakra stands as a beacon of transformative education. Mrs. Urjaa’s profound commitment to spreading Light, Positivity, and Love fueled the establishment of this registered organisation. Her leadership has been instrumental in shaping Urjaa Chakra’s mission, fostering a nurturing space for individuals to embark on transformative journeys through a diverse range of courses. From the outset, the organisation has embraced a holistic approach, aiming to illuminate paths of self-discovery and empowerment.

Commitment to Accessibility and Impact

Since its inception, Urjaa Chakra has been committed to making transformative education accessible to a broad spectrum of the population. The organisation believes in offering these courses at affordable rates, ensuring that the benefits reach the masses. Beyond individual empowerment, Urjaa Chakra allocates a part of its proceeds to initiatives such as children’s education, food projects for the needy, and cattle treatment. This commitment reflects the organization’s ethos of not only fostering personal growth but also contributing positively to society at large.
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